As ÖVI-Administrator of property we offer security by providing reliable management
preserving and enhancing value by securing technical and economical support
accurate and clear billing
supervising janitors and workers
giving support in dealings with authorities and insurance companies
conducting house inspections and house owner meetings
fast and on time handling of all upcoming duties
providing consultation for investments and carrying out reconstruction work
providing information about economic development and changes within the existing legal situation
Monday - Thursday
9:00 until 17:00
9:00 until 13:00
handling of all correspondence with tenants and proprietors
carrying through all correspondence and negotiating with authorities and creditors
consulting of proprietors
preparing and carrying through meetings of the owners´ cooperative
issuing decision memoranda
handling all necessary communication with health insurance, tax office and other authorities
charging and clearing of leasehold-rents and prepayment of maintenance costs
handling debit notes
settling running costs, heating costs and other operating costs
implementing increases of lawful rent
monitoring lease contracts (rent indexation & staggeration)
monitoring house and community rules
carrying through new lettings
handling the take-over of apartments
judging claims on decrease of rent
registering all payment transactions
handling escrow accounts
putting forward urges & initiating legal actions in cases of arrears with payment
settling value added taxes
clearing reserve assets for maintenance with the association of condominium owners
assessing indicated defects
closing servicing and insurance agreements
listing of consumption data
handling reports on damages
organising and monitoring all necessary maintenance and restoration works
designed by Enterpreno